RD (NEN) - Plošná inzerce prodeje nemovitostí v celostátním deníku v průběhu let 2019 - 2020

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSp. zn. SpMO 36987/2018-581002. 11. 2018Knowlimits s.r.o.39 930,0033 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailVLTAVA LABE MEDIA a.s.Praha48 387,9039 990,00CZK
DetailOmnimedia s.r.o.Praha 341 138,7933 999,00CZK
DetailKnowlimits s.r.o.Praha39 930,0033 000,00CZK